Title: Sonic Advance Platform: GameBoy Advance Genre: platform Developer: Sonic Team Publisher: Sega Website: http://www.sega.com
"Sonic" on a portable system ... The last time this happened peacefully reposed SNK'ovskoy typewriter NeoGeo Pocket. And now - again: "Sonic" on GameBoy Advance. What to expect? To hope for? Why worry?
Initially, the phrase "(c) Sega, Licensed by Nintendo" is a shock ... so, for old time's sake. However, great colorful screensaver, sustained in the fact that neither has a classic style, with representations of characters and face Dr. Robotnik on nearly half of the screen, accompanied by interesting lighting effects and pretty good music, inspires confidence that the toy is probably not bad. And, in general, it is true.
"Sonic Advance" - a real Sonic. And no "advanced". Classic flat platformer filled with action, fast, beautiful and somewhat rustic - just like what "Sonic" and should be ... No, I simply must! Probably not discovered America, if not claim that the "Sonic" important - gameplay. The net effect, when the hero with insane speed sweeps through the levels, full of jumps, loops, and various means overclocking the Hedgehog and co., Studded with golden ringlets and a few, but petty zlodeychikami - mechanized arthropods, fish, mammals and other wildlife unfriendly; levels that end in the advent of the Good Doctor R. robotoshtukovinoy with another, designed for the most effective at the moment the abolition of urchins, Lisov yes every Echidna. This is the magic of the game. The levels just nice to run around collecting rings and nail them credit. It's nice when the speed is breathtaking, when the design of levels and enemies - the stylish and correct, when the design is playing areas - literacy, diverse and even has some finesse. Great to see change "mood" when moving to another level ... Yes I'm telling you! Played in the "gold" game series "Sonic" on the MegaDrive person already understands where I'm going.
Everything! And there in the same quantity and quality. Is that the GBA resolution imposes some restrictions on the drawing and sprite design, but on the small GBA screen is all very "in the subject, moreover, have a feeling that more can not be achieved. Music except that slightly podkachala. Those tunes that were written specifically for "Sonic Advance", is very good. But attempts to reproduce the native melodies with MegaDrive (Boss themes of "Sonic 1" and "Sonic 2" when a boss of the) somehow failed not. Likely to affect a different number of audio channels from the MD and GBA. But everything else - well. Colors, by the way, even better than the MegaDrive, that, in general, is not surprising. And the effects that migrated to the GBA as a legacy of technological power SNES, too, the gift is not lost: "SA", decorated by them (though very modest, and always out of place), strongly wins in visual terms.Level design and the dynamics of the game is most similar to the "Sonic 2" and ways to draw anything and everything - on "Sonic & Knuckles". Also the main characters strongly resemble the characters in "Sonic" c DreamCast. Rattlesnake mix! It is time, perhaps, to do a description of how to use this mixture to use.
Work will be one of four characters. Options: Sonic, Miles, Knuckles and Amy. At first three fellows in general, any unexpected talents and none at all. Sonic traditionally runs, but rolled into a ball, has the competent "rolled" and in the air, perekuvyrnuvshis, attack is quite capable. Miles, along with the standard movements, can fly on propeller-tail. Knuckles flies forward with exposed fists on the walls and climbs, but can still fist onymi quite like a martial swing ... and even a combo of the three hits with an uppercut to do! Swim, by the way, also it can. Amy is ... we say: the game for Amy - unorthodox. She can not cuddle, which greatly affects her, if I may say so, "mobility". However, the young lady has a very rather big hammer that can break through the wall (those that are not impossible to break), make enemies and break the boxes with prizes - all sorts of boards out there, heaps of rings, etc. Also with a hammer Amy has the ability to bounce high ... ie _deystvitelno_ high. However, this concept is quite right to exist. Yes, this is another point: in contrast to the "Sonic 2" and "Sonic 3" selected character runs through the levels alone. And rightly so: when the second "Sonic" Hedgehog was running behind by Fox, it was possible to cool "moonlight" in the battle with the boss: put Miles on the brain Eggman a such a special way to the way he pecked poor doctor, and myself to sit in a safe place . However, bosses are not nearly as severe except for a couple of samples: after returning from the "Sonic 2" drilling machine in an underwater incarnation, but the last Dr. Robotnik ...
Horizons for accomplishment traditionally privolnye. Six high levels of two zones each. Meticulous levels of transfers from other parts of the series, thankfully, no. But the conceptual level, is quite familiar with, there are free improvisations, inspired by the "Casino Night", "Ice Cap" and "Aquatic ruin", as well as a hybrid of "Metropolis" and "Chemical Plant" from that same Sonic 2. With the passage of any particular levels of "plugging" that occurred at times in the third "Sonic". For the classical passing game is recommended, of course, Sonic, and the most effective "prohodtsami" are perhaps the Miles and Knuckles. For Amy, I play a human could not.
In the special "secret locations" on the levels there are such things catapult, throw them inadvertently wandered into a hero "Special Stages", where by skating and collecting an incredible amount of mined gold rings Chaos Emeralds. Being gathered together (seven pieces), they allow Sonic (and only him) to turn into SuperSonika traditionally ultra-fast and invulnerable, but spends its "superstvo" collected by the ring. Incidentally, for SuperSonika there is a special ending and special as the boss. Only the passing game for SuperSonika, you can see the real ending, so ...go to the bonus, collect the emeralds! Boss, by the way, very evil, and victory over him - a serious test, not running any comparison with, in general, the complexity of the child the rest of the game.
From other utilities, there are alternative modes of play - the traditional "Versus Game" and "Time Attack". The rest of the nice buns are due to the portability devaysa. For example, AutoSave happens after leaving the area, and there you can go back to the same character at next start the game. And not only there, but on any level, traversed before. What is the scope for searching the secrets! Among the useful gizmos of the same kind - is not mentioned as a default, but still there is in the play "Tiny Chao Garden". Here we are engaged in cultivation Chao - edakii analogues Tamagotchi. Hatch their eggs, feed vserazlichnymi fruit, play minigames. For feeding little obscure animals, by the way, spent the golden ring, that player collects the passing rates in a normal game modes.
What else to say? In any case, to conclude this story, certainly, should be strongly recommended to all fans of "Sonic" to the unfailing purchase this game. "Sonic Advance" - a real "Sonic". Without any discounts on a portable system and non-native "for the Sega architecture. Very worthwhile thing, conceptually extremely common, "collected" is correct, but at the same time beautiful.