On the PlayStation Portable is not very powerful enough exclusive games. Can you name even a single episode, born and matured on the PSP? So we can not, and the console between two and a half years. PSP does not buy for a game. On the contrary, you first buy a PSP, and then think what a cropped version of the "big" hits on the soul. Metal Gear series on the handheld console from Sony - one of the champions: Portable Ops is the third release in two years (fourth if you count an interactive comic Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel). Stuffed his hand in two parts acid rationing strategy Metal Gear Ac! D, wards Hideo Kojima finally undertook a serious continuation covered with legends series. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Opsdolzhna was to become a first-rate hit. And you can not even look in the last paragraph: it was them brilliantly.