My eyes are not deceiving you. This is an overview of the Shadowrun, which was released in Europe first of June this year. Outside, cold and November, and the delay of five months was not associated with the fact that we could not tear myself away from Shadowrun. Could, and how. After the release of the game developer studio, FASA Interactive, was closed without explanation. Official announcement of the closure was made after the fact, late last working day of employees FASA. The official reason for such secrecy - "the reluctance to divert people who expected the latest game studios. The informal, we would add - that no one thought Shadowrun was sent to print raw in order to release all at least something. And it was Shadowrun - the first game where the multiplayer can fight among themselves the owners of the Xbox 360 and PCs with Windows Vista. But the exclusive debut on Vista is not a success: shortly after the game hacking group Razor 1911 has released a cracked set of files that can be used to run the game on Windows XP with DirectX 9 standard. The question is: because of what all the fuss?