From the first level - from heaven to earth. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Go! Run! Hey what? Why? Later a look. Even the button layout suggests: "jump" here is more important than the "hit". When the heroes, in fact, immortal (even fight with your boss does not end with destruction, unless the break from the arena to some abyss), the main opponent automatically becomes a timer. From the balcony to the roof from the eaves in the lane - like the hero of the 13th District runs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in a hurry to end the level. And in clashes with enemies such as the question of victory not even worth it - the only thing you want to achieve - all the same speed: decorate the foe quickly and, if possible, dry: this is the game takes into account progress on the basis of mileage level. Sorry, but the ratings here are fit enough for that - to open a dozen other stupid bonuses, including the so-called goodies, like a ridiculously large arms or heads, so some kind of VR-mission for the most rabid parkurschikov *.