Barbarians tremble at the mention of our names. Traitors to the Republic of the grease heel fat. But the good citizens of nothing threatens - we just harsh enemies. And, with its turn politely, in every way they please and indulge. What can you do - is mayor of a hard fate in ancient Rome.
Once upon a time the plebs demanded "bread and circuses." The phrase apparently sunk into the soul of the developers - an incredible amount of time we had to appease fractious people, feeding them and entertaining. Sometimes the setting is changed (it is suggested, for example, ancient Egypt or modern Latin America), but the essence remained the same: to erect a settlement to meet the needs of citizens, go to the next mission ...
The same thing is waiting for you in Grand Ages: Rome. True, the game entered the notorious "elements of RPG» (where they do not?). Before the start will have to choose one of five families from this choice depends not only on the appearance / absence of certain tasks in the campaign, but also the development of one of the three branches of skills. The difference is really radical: hucksters, Valerie easily provide themselves with money or resources, even in a remote desert island, but the units are running commanders Emilia not only fight better, but on reaching the twelfth level of return the money spent on hiring troops (apparently, those bestowed beloved commander of the loot).
 | |  | In Pompeii alone can not cope with pirates, attacking Roman ships. Help the unfortunate? | | Battle elephants in action - see this very often. Seven pots come until a couple of these whoppers to fill up ... |
However, the addition of "family", there are also two overall talent trees (yes civil war). So do the same Valeriy good commander is quite possible. Another question is, should I? Despite the significant number of combat missions, orientation (without thinking they are about half), the Battle of Grand Ages: Rome not far removed from the battles of previous games (Glory of the Roman Empire and the Imperium Romanum). What there is construction and clever maneuvers, what are you? Okay already, that there are several types of troops (infantry, archers, cavalry) with the brand name Roman and different skills (for example, gastaty throw pilumy, and cavalry can suddenly accelerate). However, we are unjust - the rudiments of tactics there. So, you will be hard to attack large forces in a narrow gorge, if an enemy squad guess override it. Horsemen's better not to give up on heavy infantry, and put aside for the detour and attack on the archers, who can not bear such humiliation and will be defeated. But all this is that the game is able to offer fans of Flash leadership talent. Well at least, AI sometimes (alas, only sometimes) starts to pressure from several sides. Usually, the whole war with the Iron brain "reduces to a simple algorithm:" built four or five teams came-saw-conquered, heal quickly erected in a side by side with the field of battle camp went on. "
However, Rome - is not only war but also the construction. Let's start with a key moment: on roads in the Grand Ages: Rome does not need (house herbalist or is there a bakery just have a radius of action).Moreover, the developers finally gave up the idea to move resources back and forth, using the labor of men. Boards, bricks, food and all sorts of nasty excesses instantly fall to the consumer of the bins homeland, located in a secret and no one knows the place. "Fie, simplify" - tell someone. "Even if the simplification, it is very timely," - rejoined us. How many suffered with warehouses and roads before, and suddenly it turned out that a good strategy "of Rome" is fully capable to do without them.
 | *** | Many players complain of too-frequent fires, and rampant crime. But solving these problems is fairly simple. Importantly - to observe two conditions. First, citizens should be happy (fed, drink and sleep are stacked, as they say). And secondly, they should definitely create jobs. Because all sorts of thoughts buntovschicheskie only from idleness and there.
 | |  | The range of buildings is small, so that the houses have mold close to each other. However, this does not prevent citizens to walk around the city | | Forum does not stop, day or night - like the Romans at the people look so show yourself |
And that the Grand Ages: Rome - the game is good, no doubt. Campaign draws from the first minute. Our hero pulls into the vortex of the most important events. Civil war between Marius and Sulla ended, the Republic slowly comes to life, but ahead of the new test - the mortal combat with Mithridates of Pontus, the revolt of Spartacus and the rise of the great Caesar. And all this we can make a hand, doing the promotion and protection of settlements in different parts of the Roman ecumene. Mission, by the way, received a very varied - you will have the chance to curb the rebellious slaves who provide the capital with food, to defend civilization against the barbarians, and even cross the Rubicon. Naborchik good, is not it?
 | *** | Several multiplayer modes with different conditions for winning Grand Ages: Rome - a nice addition, hardly more. No, of course, to build the city, competing with a live person and committing to his village raids - employment rather funny, but quickly become boring. True, to prolong the pleasure that the characters in the multiplayer can be transferred from the single, which means that all you comrades palace, and other stands, will be at least a little, but differ from each other.
 | The ship enters the port, bringing us another batch of overseas goods. And we are foreigners in response to the slaves give - after their victorious wars we have enough! | Alas, not everything so smoothly. Individual tasks are not too carefully tested by developers. Take a simple example: we are required to create an agricultural colony in Africa to reduce dependence on Rome's food supply from Egypt. Fields is small, they are scattered around the map, but despite this, a task easily accomplished in the shortest possible time, quickly adjusting the outposts, pig farms, vineyards and other things. And you count a victory, although a newborn town will be threatened by famine, plague and other "charms". Yes, after the first delivery of food to the capital of the colony simply dies out. But who cares?
However, oddly enough, by eight points Grand Ages: Rome still has turned out. Interesting and pereuslozhnennye job, good introduction to the game of our ward, ease of management and all sorts of beautiful (from looking at the life of the city you get pleasure) requires a high rating. In the end, omissions fix patch (on which work is continuing), and military affairs in the urban gaming - not the point. Dixi!
 | *** | Property that you acquire in a campaign thing necessary and useful. The whole point is that the villas, camps legions, sawmills and the slave markets improve "production" of a resource. I think you understand that 20 of the tree (without which almost nothing to build), or 15 clothes (much needed pampered Patricia) is not superfluous. It's a pity only that can hold only five units of real estate. And therefore the contribution of personal wealth into the public to some point becomes negligible.
 | |  | If you look closely, you can see in detail how and what happens in one or another point on the map. For example, in a quarry or quarry | | Developers, we can say soriginalnichali. "Rob Korowai in Grand Ages: Rome can not. But send them to the farthest corners of the world - plenty! |