| On the night in such glowing eyes better not to look. Will dream more then ... | Writing, however, it is necessary. It is clear that the end game of the dilemmas in the lives of gamers will sharply increase, but would be superfluous to tell at least in general terms, how he will get to such a life.
You - left me - to the north Nonlinearity - that's what the developers lure players from the first seconds. At certain points of the lead character required to apply one of the two superpowers. The first changes the physical properties of objects: everything burns, explodes, gets jammed. Second, if I may say so, change the mental status of the hero and his entourage. Protagonist suddenly learns the ancient languages, begins to see the passwords, electronic locks opened obediently toward him, turned off the security system.
Gamers put before the choice of survival tactics before, how to explain what we do. The first thirty seconds (or slightly more, depending on the player) we show the "real FPS», where the protagonist methodically Lupit right hand on the glass. And the nose of his flock rushing green bubbles. We ... in the soup? However, the stock quickly end as soon as we find out that nothing can be done by hand and only the cursor snatches of troubled prospects before the eyes of two active points. Here is what he is, the same choice.
| | | One of the tasks associated with the labyrinth ventilation. Labyrinth - it is certainly a strong word, there are only two forks. But how slowly and thoroughly, with pleasure crawling on him a hero! | | In the lower right corner of the screen modestly hiding portrait Kamui Gackt. Honestly, no joke! And when you look at him a hero and still gives very long quote. |
On the face of terrible ... and inside, too Consequences not wait long. Not only that, we throw in a "typical quest" kind of a third person, so also will the realization of how terrible the hero (and us with him after the game to hang!). No, really. Even persons of male sex, not particularly interested in the appearance boys wince. Eyelids, then his eyelids were where? See under our top Wii has got great-granddaughters: how great-grandfather ever raised, because since then they have them in the race and not fall.
Meanwhile, it becomes clear that nothing is clear: in the introduction, we were told about the difficult future colonizers of Mars, cut off from the ruined disasters of Mother Earth. Attempts to return to the blue planet and out of nowhere who took "the spirits of Mars."
However, it can, and "news" coming from. There was nothing to get to the newly occupied territory of the mineral "delirium *" (tee-hee). Nevertheless, the hero did not know about it because it (surprise, surprise!) Suffers from amnesia. What does the events, reflected in the introduction, him and us to learn.
We can not say that the process of recognition was a joyful and pleasant. Plot driven, as usual, searching for something online, the collection and use of objects. Implemented all very badly. Uncomfortable. Some hot spots are illuminated only when the cursor to fasten on something of a bottomless pocket.Do not guess - look-fistula around the screen. Bunch of auxiliary windows - with descriptions of objects, thoughts of the hero and others - are closing each in its own way. Permanent minutes of the countdown and comments in the spirit ", he looked at the wall at the bottom of the picture concerned and distracted. Some problems do not exist tips. It seems that the authors and conceived that a gamer with great pleasure decided to go too far. Only here will you?
| Once a dilemma, two Dilemma | The pilot project studio 4Reign called ... That's right, "Dilemma." Entourage and the hero were the same as now. Or rather, almost the same. Then the protagonist has not suffered from amnesia and does not cramp such terrible birth to the camera. Apparently, so in his debut game on its share fell more interesting adventure. These puzzles, for example. Those that are descended from pyatnashek, "Sokoban" and other habitual gamers entertainment. You have to compare, on a background of problems with confusing terms and conditions of the second part, they no longer seem so banal. With nostalgia and a racing incident on the buggy, which took place not understand that uvertyvaniem of asteroids in the space shuttle. And the choice between brute force and conviction was given more often. Reviewers as one expressed the hope that if not this, then the next project is promising newcomers moves adventure genre is far ahead, however - never happened. The impression is that the designs of the founders someone walked with shears, cut the freshest ideas. Maybe the studio would cost to stop the race for the "dilemma" (only a year has passed since the release of the first) and mine ideas. Hopefully, the third part of the rush will not.
| | | Meet: artificial intelligence space station (yes, that's this green mesh it is). | | The first few seconds set up a completely different game, but the illusion is crumbling, along with the walls of the flask, in which sat a hero. |
Roll up my lips! Clicking Sudoku, tic-tac-toe or pick up the mosaic (all that is not here) is interesting, and without further explanation of the rules. But what to do with exactly the same eighteen holes in the floor around a very important bulb? In what order to connect the wires to the electrical shield? This is only a model for Europe and zero phase are assigned a fixed color braid. Our electricians - you can see for yourself by calling one of the housing department - is collected scheme anyhow from exactly the same wires. So try to guess ...
Atmosphere corrupts another thing: the nonlinearity of the game is truly present. Perhaps not fully, but enough to create problems. Depending on whether you chose brute force or gentle suggestion, the story fills in the other flank you and will give an opportunity to pass blocking episodes in a different order, with a different set of actions or objects. But the tails and the "alternative passage" will be seen here and there, and the feeling that otherwise would have been easier to visit you, not once.
A replay reluctance. Not just because of the boring puzzles, but also because of the very strange action-inserts that separate chapter. Among them there are, for example, bad, hard and unbending »FPS or as messily made space race with obstacles.
However, the game finally came out like a patchwork quilt, colorful so clumsy, but fascinating in its diversity of and unprepossessing. Even with the constantly evolving over the player "dilemma" and difficulties.Here or not, you think about the meaning of life, which, in fact, sought developers 4Reign. And most importantly, "blanket" came out great and warm. The latter is largely due to the Vlad Kopp, who spoke for the protagonist. With such a voice a person can never blink, but maintain the charm of tolerably.
* Delirium tremens - delirium tremens, delirium (in Psychiatry) - nonsense.