
They are already here. They are among us. They are persistent. They are not hiding. Until you read this, nintendosobaki win our world.

"Mom! Mom! Come buy a puppy! I'll look after him, honestly, honestly! Walk, feed! Come buy, I have big, I can myself! ". So little or so friends made their way to a man close flats most ordinary families. Parents simply give up in the prisoner's own children with such honest eyes. The first couple of weeks child honestly sleep off the leash in a little hand, jumps up the crack of dawn, without a murmur wiping puddles ... Then load begins to weigh on the commitments made, and while growing puppy smoothly into the care of parents. Familiar? And then!

Virtual Dog - exactly the same. Time to feed, walk, pay attention to ... well, among other things, training. Tired of fussing with a puppy or not? Buy Nintendogs - understand themselves. It's not a game, it's easy puppy - like robosobaki, about which so wants to Vrenna. He is self-sufficient and extremely egocentric. Everything that is in Nintendogs - himself a puppy and he needs things. All except you. And the wrong are those who think that this is a game in which you want to manage their wards, "play it" - too soon, he's your leads. Shaggy (or smooth coat) one lives his life and pulls you into this life. He is superbly animated, he poskulivaet and barks, rushes through the house and sleeps, is in the mood or not. He is so alive, that his very presence is enough to justify every penny spent on the DS! Quite far from the video game people just can not pass you with a straight face when you play with your puppy. In the early days around the happy owners were going to not only members of the editorial board - all who had a careless approach to a distance of several meters, crowded around. Nintendogs is not like The Sims, although it has much in common with her. You are not God, not the higher mind, not "the voice in your head - you're the owner. Robinson, tame Friday. Tamagotchi for adults. Dog persokom.

Feed two puppies - a cost it is more convenient than one. And an extra bowl is needed. Often pat your pet, do not let him get bored.
Spoil the impression of two problems. The first may seem odd: the puppy is too perfect! "What is this problem? - Surprise the reader. - Is not this vigilantly seeking humanity? ". Alas, not to do so. Your puppy will never grow, never tsapnet the finger, never shit at home and always happily run out to play with you, even if you morite his hunger, and all day yesterday were not given to drink and dragged by the tail. Whatever his character, he still learn everything you want from him. It's not bad in itself (although it is known that the ideal only like, but love is only possible that does not claim the laurels of the absolute), but it can quickly become bored. Ideal can not diversify, he is self-sufficient. Ideal can not get sick. The ideal is the same for everyone. Spherical dog in a vacuum? Rather, life in a glass jar: you see the whole world, and hold out his hand - nothing but a wall. Actually, here it is, the second problem - poor interactivity.I have two dogs, but they have to walk on stage. Jerk in the woods to hunt, of course, impossible. In truth, all the options is not so much: play with the dog at home, pull it out for a walk (no city here, there is a "dynamic area" in which the same objects simply reversed, as departments in the Central Department Store) participate in competitions ... If rude, then that is all. Two accessory at the same time the puppy can not be put on, the stock of a few electronic replicas of people poor, dead city - no more than background, but touted Bark Mode in fact turned out to be banal "exchanger," subjects with an opportunity to play with someone else's pet. And the right would be (one can not ask all at once), if it was not a huge set of completely implemented ideas that you can easily prepare and offer the owner of any Nintendoschenka - ways to revive the game world to strengthen the effect of the presence in it, to make these dogs even more literally strewn under your feet! We look forward to continue, you hear, ladies and gentlemen developers?

Good host will always find a grateful pet than happy. Bulb at the top right indicates that this trick Misty can learn to do on command.
In general, with a strong desire can without difficulty write (absolutely true) smasher with a minimum estimate and the kilometer long list of minuses. But - it is impossible in any case. Because you believe your dog. It is alive. She plays. She wants to drink. Her love for her cable. And this magic can not destroy even grumbling Crow, who, in his own words, the whole week enthusiastically patted the drafting screen Nintendo DS, and talked with "unreal" husky Lilit.

And if such a loyal fan of racing games and graphics heights for seven days (168 hours!) Enjoyed "flip a brick, then, sorry, the project was a success!


Questions neophyte

Comrade umbrella, so much to say about their future dog after hearing fellow Raven suddenly hesitated - but for him it fun? Completely exhausted from insomnia and severe problems of moral choice of our special correspondent decided to ask their questions on the forehead.

This is the same game for girls. And you, big guy, do not you ashamed?

Firstly, it is not a game. This is a dog (as mentioned in the booklet, interactive experience centered on puppies). And secondly, what is there to be ashamed of? Caring for someone fragile and defenseless men only ennobles. Surely you yourself, Igor Sarkazmovich, a child begging his father's puppy. So imagine this his response: "No, my good, no dogs in the house, to me, an adult man, terrible shame, because this lady's case - with the dogs to play!" Talking of ladies. Introduce Mademoiselle with his beast!

Is it true that nintenbaki not grow? They always remain cute puppies?

Yes, yes, yes, true, true! In the booklet that came with the cartridge, so black and gray and says: "In the fictional world of Nintendogs dogs never grow up, always being nice puppies.Ibid states and that these dogs "though similar to a virtual, yet differ from them, so I decided to start this puppy, think, and whether you are ready to take responsibility for real life trust you being?

And that necessarily give commands through a microphone? And if I do not want to look like an idiot on the bus, who speaks with a fold-out brick? And in the subway, for example, generally do not hear anything.

Alas - a microphone and a microphone (btw, its sensitivity can and should be set up as advised honored coach Sergei Soobrazitelnovich Tsilyurik). But do not think that all the fuss with the dogs is a ping-pong with a furry artist teams! To teach the ward teams and walk with him to compete better in a homelike atmosphere, and certainly not driving the bus. In the same way is more convenient to walk with the puppy, an exercise in the park or on the court, to participate in sporting events, etc. There will always be the case and without a microphone. Another thing is that if a long time to give voice commands no attention at all, the puppy will be confused, if not forget.

I heard that dog needs constant attention. And if sometimes I can not take care of it? For example, the week will take the magazine - a favorite dog dies of hunger?

Real - guaranteed dies. In agony. So do not dare to even try! As for nintendoschenkov - the peace of mind negligent owners bother: starving dog would not die, but simply run away from you. Booklet promises that the puppy after some time back, in the hope that you repent of their cruelty, but seriously check we did not dare: it was too tied to his pupil, he's not Tamagotchi - it's alive!

However, even very busy people have nothing to fear: just a couple of times a day to feed and water the puppy (if you can keep from having to play with him, it takes the strength of a minute or two) in order not to be considered among his colleagues callous flayer. Would be nice to take a walk and wash, comb, but usually you can do without it. If the Spin real life does not leave time (full, we do not believe!), Kid with sad eyes can be temporarily put into a boarding house, where it will take care of virtual creatures, or ... drive.

They say that the game is quickly bored. Bring up, bring up a dog, she umneet-umneet, and then it turns out that to teach her more, no nothing. What's next?

Once again: this is not a game. Tired of caring for a pet in a week or not - is primarily a question of personal responsibility. Continuing to feed and walk the real live dog - too bored, but if a dog - a friend of the family, taking care of her always a joy. In a sense, life nintendosobaki - much more diverse, "the Moscow daily": here to her and competitions, and meetings, and new toys.Of course, real life offers more opportunities at times, but that's how many of them had a chance to taste the real Spitz and taxi?


Nintendogs edition of SI

Natalia Odintsova

Breed Puppy: King Sharles Spaniel

Sex: M

Nickname: Dante

Temperament: energetic, flexible

Knows the commands: Sidet! Na bok! Lezhat! Lapu! Prygni! Hvost! Lapy vverh! Igrat!

Sporting achievements: First place in the Beginner and Open Class competitions on plates, fishing, first place in the Beginner Class for compliant execution of commands.

Often hears: "Yes-ah-ah-ah-antichka!"

A few words about ...

No, first I wanted to make was not a spaniel. And specifically bought a set of "Chihuahua and Friends, are trained to shepherd or boxer - the dogs that inspire respect instead of happy emotion. Graceful levretka - it is certainly cool, but ultimately did not protect the dog owner and master - a dog. Alas, the bride in the kennel puppies of both breeds is not impressed - wild caught, not the nature of the sugar. Prank decided to look at the spaniel - and could not resist hanging curly ears, broad feet and a rabid puppy enthusiasm.

Tips for beginners

In the early days of Dante's disgusting catching plates - a long time refused to bring them back, then do not run the toy. But it was enough to workout in the park to be a couple of virtual dogs that demonstrated the highest class fishing, and Dante literally transformed!

Constantin «Wren» Govorun

Breed Puppy: Labrador Retriever

Gender: F

Nickname: Rikku

Character: sweet and loving dog, but awfully lazy.

Knows the commands: Hozyain prishel! Na koleni! Lapy vverh! Puzo vpravo! Levo rulya!

Sporting achievements: Excellent catches the disc and brings a host, but only at the event. Home prefers to sniff, chew and pull on the floor. Prikriknut need to pay attention to me. Likewise, behaves in a park, but other dogs and play with me does not allow.

Often hears: "Good girl, the best in the world!"

A few words about ...

"Dogs" has been criticized for the fact that puppies do not grow, bringing to the maximum of their skills and collecting all the interesting accessories can be completed within a week, and the multiplayer is not normal. But Nintendogs - not The Sims. Charm in a wonderful animations of puppies and their horribly plausible behavior. A simple observation gives neither an incomparable pleasure. Enough to throw my Ricky dry twig and look like she barks at first unfamiliar object, then calms down and gently creeps up to him, ready at any moment otprygnut if pochuet danger ... Due to the fact that Nintendogs is designed for the portable console, your dog can always keep with him, fooling around with her in a subway car, to give voice commands to the workplace and learn to catch the disc, until the waiter brings opostylevshy business lunch.

Tips for beginners

Before teaching your dog commands that make up a general idea. You can use the hackneyed "paw", "sit" and "lie", but much more interesting to show originality.The main thing is that teams are not discordant with each other - I have a terrible "on your knees!" Initially went neutral "lie!", And it sounded weird.

Sergei «TD» Tsilyurik

Breed puppies: Shih Tzu

Gender: F

Nickname: Yoshimitsu

The character of: kawaii!

Knows the commands: sit down, shake, sieg heil

Sporting success: a long sine wave of victories and defeats.

Often hears: "What are you, an infection, doing?"

A few words about ...

Once spent the night at a party girl. When the four in the morning behavior restless dog, locked in another room, it became quite unbearable, I decided for myself that surely the "Nintendosobakah" bring up a scoundrel-pinscher with rigor. Bought, the truth, a version with a taxi - so if I can not find the owner labradorovskogo kit with the already wound pinschers have to save Trainer Points. So far, the train on the shih-tzu, and sweet revenge left for dessert.

Tips for beginners

Do not forget to adjust the microphone sensitivity! Learn new commands puppies should only house a maximum silence, and when brag to their friends coaching accomplishments, from extraneous noise shield difficult.

Artem «cg» Shorokhov

Breed puppies: Schnauzer and Shiba Inu

Sex: F + F

Nicknames: Kolbasa, Hryu

Know the team (selected): Kuvirok, Lapu, Hvost, Chihnut ', Zhopa!, Stoika, Zhivotik, Yula

Sporting achievements: to reach the Championship in all disciplines except Obedience (after all, do have more). By Agility sausage even grabbed $ 500 and a silver cup for second place. Done with the money repair, buy food ...

Often hear: "Well do not you call me, not you! How could you have a lot ... "

A few words about ...

Create sobachentsiyu - is slavery cleaner Ragnarok Online! There's even possible to make a break. But starve to kick a puppy - in a just sadyuga Raven is capable of.

Tips for beginners

Met on a walk with neighbor puppies, keep your pet likes them or not - it depends on the mood of the puppy. Cheerful and happy, he will find gifts on the way home, and irritable and tired - just rubbish and scraps. Accumulate coach glasses - is the best way to discover new species.

Yury «Voron» Lewandowski


Breed Puppy: Siberian Husky

Gender: F

Nickname: Lilith

Character: too playful

Know the team: Hvost, Sidet '.

Sporting achievements: reached Master Cup in the competition for fishing fricbi.

Often heard: "Yes, enough already to spin!"

A few words about ...

All is well in the virtual puppy the first week. He runs, plays, throws herself on the screen. His need to feed, drink, wash and try to learn to recognize your voice. And then ... then comes the boredom. Too is the perfect pup. It can not feed for three days, but he will still try to play with you. He does not die, not grow up and not crap on your carpet. He is not angry, not offended and did not dare to bite. Too little diversity. Particularly upset with Wi-Fi mode, created just for the exchange of objects and breeds of puppies.

Tips for beginners

Often walk all the coolest things just lying around on the street. The easiest way to earn money if you have a husky - to compete with the frisbee, she catches a plate with a bang. The main thing - throw away, so get more points.But first it's worth to train in the park.

Nintendogs Between Past and Future
In fact, the idea of ​​Nintendogs is not new: an attempt to create a "digital pet" years, perhaps as much as, and computer games (and that's only if you do not remember the man's dream of home robots and dogs Aibo). Many people know Tamagotchi and a series of Creatures, someone has even played in a dense antiquity in such miracles PC, like Dogz and Catz from Mindscape (1995-2005 years. Just happened to five parts of this madness, this year under the auspices of Ubisoft in the U.S. was published a compilation called Petz); incidentally, Dogz, in 1999 even managed to port to an 8-bit Game Boy Color. All products mentioned are purely niche and broader fame not earned. So why is "Nintendosobaki" sold millions of copies around the world? The answer is simple: two screens, microphone, stylus and charm chasm. Pocket dogs were revived and brought to mind the whole world. Get ready - has already made a wave of remakes and imitations: just about to appear on the Game Boy Advance Dogz are the same from Ubisoft, but in spite of O3 Entertainment under the name Pocket Dogs will issue in the U.S. last year's Poke-Inu: Pocket Dogs by Agatsuma Entertainment. Melochovka, of course, but the process has begun.
